Winner: National MP Claudette Hauiti
Thieving politicians are wankers of the worst kind and Hauiti is the latest, and what does it say about a party’s selection process that an utterly contemptible charlatan like Hauiti makes it through? That she remains an MP is an outrage and the government should take all the flack it deserves for protecting her. How many of us could do this with the boss’s money and survive?
Honourable mentions: Gerry Brownlee whose airport antics further reflect the arrogance of a party so incredibly dominant in the polls; and completing a trifecta for National, John Key for looking bored and disinterested when refusing to apologise to Tania Billingsly after being accused of looking bored and disinterested when discussing the sex attack on her - shameful; and the Commonwealth Games because it seems an awful lot of money is being spent on entertaining competitors’ families.
Saint of the last seven days
Winner: The Wellington Phoenix Football Club.
The Wellington Phoenix for inviting West Ham United to town and then beating them. A beautiful result for the beautiful game in New Zealand. Shame about the crowd numbers, though.
Honourable mentions: The people who did a number on US homeland security by swapping the stars and stripes for white flags on the Brooklyn Bridge – kudos; NIWA for discovering tiny marine animal that was thought to be extinct for quite some time – about four million years; and for his tremendous contribution to humor, John Martineze who robbed a Wells Fargo bank in a t-shirt with his name on it. Saints the lot of ya.