Winner: The Internet/Mana Party
For thinking that advertising young people chanting ‘Fuck John Key’ was going to go down well and not make Dotcom look like rabid, megalomaniacal fool. The inevitable comparisons to Hitler, though, are ridiculously wide of the mark. Hitler was more charismatic.
Honourable mentions: Conservative Party candidates Colin Craig, Christine Rankin & Garth McVicar – if we could get their supporters to wear gang-like back patches, we'd know who to throw stones at; Indian photographer Raj Shetye who didn't think a fashion photo of a woman being assaulted was utterly disgusting; and Federated Famers spokespeople, I’m yet to hear one who doesn't sound like a wanker with regard to the pollution of our rivers.
Saint of the last seven days
Winner: The young people chanting ‘Fuck John Key’.
Having been on a few student protest marches engaging in a bit of salty language myself I’m unable to cast the first stone here, and maybe they just learned ugly behaviour from politicians debating in the House. Moreover, given 42 percent of 18-24 year olds didn’t vote at the last election, young people becoming politically engaged is great. And, again, the comparisons to Nazi rallies is patently silly and potentially offensive. I say good on them, their puerile manner will dim with age, but their political engagement may not.
Honourable mentions: Chris Finlayson, the Minister of Treaty Settlements, who always speaks sense and this week quietly sorted a settlement regarding the Whanganui River; the Canterbury Crusaders for coming oh so close; and Beck Eleven who woke up last Saturday to find that I’d moved in with her and didn’t call the cops. Saintly indeed.